We don't charge sales tax
The TravelScoot is the first mobility scooter company to accommodate all riders, no matter one's height and weight. TravelScoot USA can customize scooters for Little People (3'1"+), children, and individuals short and tall (6'1-6'9). Our scooters can also be adapted for individuals over the warranty weight limit. For this reason, we ask that you provide your height and weight when selecting a TravelScoot.
Our LP and Mid Mod seats are special ordered and have an additional cost. Please call or email us for more details.
For short-statured individuals, there is no added cost. Tall or individuals 300lbs+ are encouraged to add the Extension Kit to their order for a better fit. Certain individuals may receive a specialty yoke called, the "Switch Yoke", which will be determined at TravelScoot's discretion. This yoke is used to adapt the scooter to its user.
THE LP MOD ($100-$150)
LP Measurements
Floor to seat - 11.5
Seat to footrests - 14
Seat to modified footrests - 7.5
Backrest to handlebars - 16.5
THE MID MOD ($100)
Mid-Mod Measurements
Floor to seat - 15
Seat to footrests - 18.5
Seat to modified footrests - 13
Backrest to handlebars - 24
Modified Footrests ($50)
(4'5-4'11, no extra cost)
Short Yoke Measurements
Floor to seat - 19.5" - 21"
Front of seat to footrests - 20.75"
Back of seat to footrests - 29"
Seat to modified footrests - 15.5"
Backrest to handlebars - 22.5"
Steering column to seat - 11"